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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

summary of humanistic approach

There are psychologist like Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow attempt to explain the behavior of every individual.There are several factors which distinguish the Humanistic Approach from other approaches within psychology, including the emphasis on subjective meaning, a rejection of determinism, and a concern for positive growth rather than pathology.Abraham Maslow is widely regarded as one of the founders of the Humanistic Approach. While less influential among therapists than Rogers, Maslow  may actually be better known to the general public, because of his interest in applying psychological principles to areas like behavior in business settings. In this regard, his hierarchy of needs has been a basic concept in human resources and organizational behavior for several decades.

1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.
2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc.
3. Belongingness and Love needs - work group, family, affection, relationships, etc.
4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc.
5. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.
The heirarchy explains the attitude or emotion of a person.

summary of psycho-dynamic approach

Psychodynamic approach focus on the motivation and the whole personality of a person. The approach was best explains by Sigmund Freud. He is the father of modern psychology and the founder of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis was the first theory in psychodynamic. The approach occurs during our childhood days. A child or person motivates themselves to act or to do a behavior. Freud developed three different models of motivation: pleasure vs. unpleasure, sexuality and aggression, and zeros vs. thamatos. Frued study a behavior and stimuli of a person from being  infant. There are other pdsychologist like Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Karen Horney did as what Freud did. They had a different explanation as how person developed. Freud study stated that a person develop by stages. When you were a baby stimuli started to develop little by little. As a baby grow to 1 year, there are also other part of him that will start to grow. And that is the reason of  foundation of  what he is when he grow or gets old. But Adler explained differently. He stated based on expereineces that a person developed. The harder your experiences the stronger you are when you grow. The experiences in truest sense, help a person to be a better one.

summary of cognitive approach

Cognitive approach states the function of our memory. Memory is the storage of the experiences and some things that are not unforgettable. There are two kinds of memory. The long term memory and short term memory. Short term memory means the storage of memory that does not lasts. Long term memory is the one that lasts or unforgettable. For example, you experience heart ached from the past and you did not recover from that situation. Those things happened for a reason so the next time that same thing happen to you , you will know what to do or act. You will apply the experience better for you to not commit a mistake again. Long term memory  is common for everyone of us. There are things or events that cannot be erased easily in our mind and it stays long in our memory. Positive and negative experiences can effect your emotion. The attitude may depend on how you handle that situation in the past. Applying it to the present in a better or good way means you've learned.

summary of behaviorist approach

Behaviorist approach emphases the role of stimuli in determining the way act. Human behavior develops during our childhood. Behavior in a particular situation helps us recognize what the right thing to do. Some behavior focus on learning by teaching the right behavior that can result a good and bad experience. Apply to reality, there are some situations and decisions in the past that required a behavior or response. This situations and decisions may be accepted and decided in a negative way. And you only realized it after the occurrence of that particular situation. The scenario teaches you on how to react or decide the situation the next time it will happen. It shows that the behaviorist approach distinguish the relationships of your behavior to the future events. There are some assumptions of behaviorism like the concept of parsimony- explanation to an event. Association- connection of ideas and events. Your response is dependent on the stimuli or stimulus surrounds you. The reaction or response maybe studied before applying or sudden behavior that will occur.

Behaviorist approach contributed the understanding in order for us to act properly and led some effective therapies for some behavioral disorder.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

summary of biological approach

I learned the connection of the body and the mind. The meaning of behavior you did and the approach and reaction it made to the environment. Biological appproach state that the awareness of the behavior or things you are doing its deep meaning to science.

There area some behavior your body doing without the knowlegde of your brain. For example, your cutting the vegetables into pieces and you did not  notice  that the knife already cut your skin. You only recognize the wound when its already hurting you. This explains that there are some experience in your life happen without our knowledge. Unconscious mind has its complex connection to the body's behavior. There are some chemical that when we take it in our body the behavior change. This kind of chemical maybe increases or  decreases our energy.

Add or lessen our alert and attentive mood. Taking drugs have an advantage and disadvanteage to the body maybe for others drugs like marijuana and ecstasy  gives a feeling of strengths, confidence to their selves. But the uncontrolled use of this drugs may result to our body illness and undesirable looks. Nature of the environment also effect the personality of the person.

I find it knowledgeable. Thank you.