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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

summary of cognitive approach

Cognitive approach states the function of our memory. Memory is the storage of the experiences and some things that are not unforgettable. There are two kinds of memory. The long term memory and short term memory. Short term memory means the storage of memory that does not lasts. Long term memory is the one that lasts or unforgettable. For example, you experience heart ached from the past and you did not recover from that situation. Those things happened for a reason so the next time that same thing happen to you , you will know what to do or act. You will apply the experience better for you to not commit a mistake again. Long term memory  is common for everyone of us. There are things or events that cannot be erased easily in our mind and it stays long in our memory. Positive and negative experiences can effect your emotion. The attitude may depend on how you handle that situation in the past. Applying it to the present in a better or good way means you've learned.

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