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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

summary of psycho-dynamic approach

Psychodynamic approach focus on the motivation and the whole personality of a person. The approach was best explains by Sigmund Freud. He is the father of modern psychology and the founder of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis was the first theory in psychodynamic. The approach occurs during our childhood days. A child or person motivates themselves to act or to do a behavior. Freud developed three different models of motivation: pleasure vs. unpleasure, sexuality and aggression, and zeros vs. thamatos. Frued study a behavior and stimuli of a person from being  infant. There are other pdsychologist like Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Karen Horney did as what Freud did. They had a different explanation as how person developed. Freud study stated that a person develop by stages. When you were a baby stimuli started to develop little by little. As a baby grow to 1 year, there are also other part of him that will start to grow. And that is the reason of  foundation of  what he is when he grow or gets old. But Adler explained differently. He stated based on expereineces that a person developed. The harder your experiences the stronger you are when you grow. The experiences in truest sense, help a person to be a better one.

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